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Soyuz has transported cosmonauts to and from space stations since 1971. During the first decade of Soyuz use, the cosmonauts' planned stay in orbit might exceed the battery life of their Soyuz spacecraft. Therefore, the early versions of the Soyuz had to be replaced with a fresh vehicle, just as food, water, and air supplies had to be replenished.

Although the replacement Soyuz could be guided to the space station without a crew, cosmonauts usually ferried the vehicles, because periodic visitors and crew exchanges were welcome changes in the orbital routine. That sociable tradition continues in today's Russian space program.

Soyuz docking with space station
83 k jpeg
SI#: 87-08674
Soyuz supply missions have provided opportunities for some space "firsts." The first black person in space, Arnaldo Tamayo Mendez (Cuba), and the first woman to perform a spacewalk, Svetlana Savitskaya, flew on visiting missions to a Salyut space station.
Tamayo Mendez with cosmonauts
SI#: 87-9090


The Soviets began a guest cosmonaut program in March 1978 with the launch of Soyuz 28, which carried Czechoslovak pilot Vladimir Remek to the space station Salyut 6. The guest cosmonaut program gave Soviet officials a way to promote friendly relations with other socialist countries. The program quickly grew to include Soviet allies and other nations.

Through 1996 the program included representatives from 19 nations on 26 flights. In 1995 U.S. astronaut Norman Thagard became the first American launched aboard a Soyuz.

Czechoslovakia Poland East Germany Bulgaria
Hungary Vietnam Cuba Mongolia
Romania France India Syria
Afghanistan Japan Great Britain Austria
Germany Kazakstan United States  

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